Achieving success for all through the Pupil Premium
Elizabeth Bramley, headteacher and disadvantage strategy lead tells us how she uses the pupil premium grant to raise attainment.
Elizabeth Bramley, headteacher and disadvantage strategy lead tells us how she uses the pupil premium grant to raise attainment.
Everyone in the Northern Saints CofE School community was delighted to learn that we were joint winners of the National Pupil Premium Awards 2016 in the KS2 category. It’s wonderful that we have been recognized as excelling in the work …
Last year, the year I retired from Headship at Queensmill School in London, we were lucky enough to win the Pupil Premium Award (PPA). There must be an element of luck, for how could we know whether or not another …
As Pupil Premium Champion from 2013 to 2015 and in my work since then, I’ve been sharing effective practice from across the country for pupils who are eligible for pupil premium. I have spoken to over 15,000 school leaders and …