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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

A thank you from a governor

Child drawing

Claire Hannah-Russell is Chair of Governors at a rural primary school, Newtown Soberton Infant School, in Hampshire. Claire shares the respect and admiration governors have for their school staff and why something as small as sending a ‘Thank a Teacher’ card goes a long way during a challenging year. 

All of the governors at my school are committed to an ethos that prioritises school staff wellbeing and staff retention. With the closure of our schools in March and in such a time of uncertainty, this became even more important.

We know that teaching and working in schools is not an easy ride and as parents, a number of us on the Governing bodies have a renewed respect for teachers. We really empathised with their efforts to get through each half term, unsure as to what the next one would bring. We became aware that they energetically commit to teaching our little ones with the patience and diligence that sees them transform educationally and developmentally!

So our Governors and Head shared positive messages and feedback to the schools. Our parent, carer and friends’ groups displayed posters across the school gates, so that all staff could see the messages of gratitude and affirmation. Staff created videos and positive online messages, for the families and pupils. Everyone went the extra mile to share their appreciation.

Sharing positive messages has been so important. Since March, our parent, carer and friends’ groups displayed posters across the school gates, so that all staff could see the messages of gratitude and affirmation. Staff created videos and positive online messages, for the families and pupils. Everyone went the extra mile to share their appreciation. I was also thrilled to be able to send a Thank a Teacher Card to my headteacher and her staff:

“I wanted to write a card to say a hearty thank you for all you have done during COVID-19 and the support you gave the children across both schools during this time with our Hub provision. It was valued and appreciated very much indeed. I really welcome an opportunity for our schools to work together and to share our strengths with each other too. 

If the government ran the thank a teacher and thank school staff days every day of the year, it still couldn't match the respect and admiration that the governing bodies have for staff who are so committed to the amazing children they inspire and foster through these early years. Thank you.” 

It has never been a more pressing time for governors to do their bit and show their appreciation. We are so proud that our staff teams were able to support the schools in a fantastically brave manner. And a little love goes a long way!


Want to say thank you to your staff?

Show your appreciation and say thank you to a special senior leader, teacher or support staff by visiting the Thank a Teacher website

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