Unlocking the potential - Jamie's Teacher Effect story
Economics teacher, Jamie Benson, counsels students after they receive their GCSE results. Find out what happened when one student didn’t get the grades he was expecting.
Economics teacher, Jamie Benson, counsels students after they receive their GCSE results. Find out what happened when one student didn’t get the grades he was expecting.
Developing a deep understanding of mathematical concepts among secondary pupils isn’t easy. Two teachers share the huge impact which the teaching for mastery programme has had on their pupils' mathematical knowledge.
Harpinder Singh, Assistant Headteacher at Washwood Academy in Birmingham, shares the story of how their school designed a knowledge rich curriculum through colloboration.
By helping his pupils to see language in context, Ryan showed them what studying a language could offer for their future. See Ryan’s story unfold.
Teacher subject specialism training (TSST) is a free programme, available to non-specialist teachers interested in expanding their knowledge and skillset to teach maths, physics or modern foreign languages. It can help increase confidence, subject knowledge and pedagogy. Tom Collishaw, a …