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Teachers' reflections

Working together to tackle attendance in rural communities

Read about how schools have been sharing daily attendance data with DfE and making use of the Monitor Your School Attendance (MYSA) service - a free, secure tool that helps them visualise the data and monitor, manage and improve pupil attendance. 

Joined up, school-based support that works for every child

A photo of Kate in the classroom

Kate Sandall, Senior Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) Practitioner, explains her role in making sure children can meaningfully access mental health support, and the difference joined up working between health, education and care can make.

How the National Tutoring Programme improves confidence, knowledge and skills

Hear from Victoria Owen, the assistant vice principal at Maltby Academy as she shares with us how they are using the National Tutoring Programme (NTP). Why have you decided to use the National Tutoring Programme? We want to maximise opportunities …

A 360 overview of our Pupil Premium Strategy

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Male teacher talking with pupils outside school

Jane Elsworth, the director and deputy headteacher of Huntington Research School, along with her colleague Julie Kettlewell, the assistant director and assistant headteacher, give us a full breakdown of their Pupil Premium strategy from start to finish. Our ways of …

Pupil Premium Strategy: We prioritise understanding our pupils’ key barriers to learning

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In this blog, staff from NEAT Academy Trust explain how they have mastered identifying complex needs of disadvantaged pupils and the resources needed to support the development of their strategy. This blog has been written by 3 authors who all …

Optimise the benefits of the National Tutoring Programme (NTP)

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  Jody Clarke is the deputy headteacher of Wood Green Academy, a secondary school in Wednesbury in the West Midlands. He shares advice for schools on optimising the benefits of tutoring by using a combination of school-led tutoring and academic …

Be brave, be you: how I learned to set boundaries as a school leader

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Andrea William-Jones is an assistant headteacher at Winterbourne Academy, South Gloucestershire, part of the Olympus Trust. She tells us how coaching and setting positive boundaries for herself has improved her wellbeing. Wellbeing is about having the courage to do what …