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Primary schools

A whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing: Part 2

Two mental health leads at the Ormiston Academies Trust (OAT) talk about the central role of leadership and management in supporting and championing efforts to promote mental health and wellbeing, as part of a whole school approach. 

A whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing: Part 1

Two mental health leads talk about how they work alongside the senior leadership team to develop a whole school approach, to supporting mental health and wellbeing at school.

Working together to tackle attendance in rural communities

Read about how schools have been sharing daily attendance data with DfE and making use of the Monitor Your School Attendance (MYSA) service - a free, secure tool that helps them visualise the data and monitor, manage and improve pupil attendance. 

Joined up, school-based support that works for every child

A photo of Kate in the classroom

Kate Sandall, Senior Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) Practitioner, explains her role in making sure children can meaningfully access mental health support, and the difference joined up working between health, education and care can make.