Maths Hubs
Nicholas Lawrence, a secondary assistant head at Bonus Pastor Catholic College in Lewisham, shares how his school welcomed a HMRC staff ambassador to deliver a lesson about the UK tax system. How did your school teach the free Tax Facts …
In this blog Helen Hackett, Mathematics Executive at Excelsior Multi Academy Trust in Birmingham, shares how she’s on a continuous journey to become a better maths teacher. Maths sets When I entered the teaching profession it was common practice to …
Michelle Cobb, Year 6 teacher and maths lead at Underwood West Academy in Crewe describes how using the DfE’s guidance on teaching maths in primary schools has both helped her school get through the pandemic and plan for the post-pandemic future.
Maths teacher, Bobby Seagull, reflects on being a teacher in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak and how these unusual circumstances have helped him become a better teacher.
Developing a deep understanding of mathematical concepts among secondary pupils isn’t easy. Two teachers share the huge impact which the teaching for mastery programme has had on their pupils' mathematical knowledge.