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Pupil wellbeing and behaviour

Joined up, school-based support that works for every child

A photo of Kate in the classroom

Kate Sandall, Senior Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) Practitioner, explains her role in making sure children can meaningfully access mental health support, and the difference joined up working between health, education and care can make.

How the National Tutoring Programme improves confidence, knowledge and skills

Hear from Victoria Owen, the assistant vice principal at Maltby Academy as she shares with us how they are using the National Tutoring Programme (NTP). Why have you decided to use the National Tutoring Programme? We want to maximise opportunities …

Thank you, teachers, for all of your hard work and determination!

Seana Henry, headteacher at Belleville Wix Academy talks about how she grew up admiring teachers, and then became one herself.  Generations of amazing teachers   My mum was a teacher at the primary school I went to as a child, I remember going …

Improving wellbeing support through senior mental health lead training

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Southport College

Karen Marsh, mental health lead at Southport College shares her college’s experience of senior mental health lead training and how it’s helped to further support its staff and students with their wellbeing.

Improving wellbeing support for pupils through senior mental health lead training

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: Primary schools, Professional Development, Pupil wellbeing and behaviour

Charlotte Reed from Bosmere Junior School tells us about her experience of senior mental health lead training and how it’s helped improved her school's staff and pupil wellbeing support.