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Joined up, school-based support that works for every child

A photo of Kate in the classroom

Kate Sandall, Senior Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) Practitioner, explains her role in making sure children can meaningfully access mental health support, and the difference joined up working between health, education and care can make.

How schools are supporting attendance ahead of the new academic year

Teacher with pupil

Several schools share their approaches to increase attendance levels amongst their pupils, with a focus on the transition between classes, year groups, and support when moving to a new school.  

Thinking beyond the pandemic in a Special Educational Needs school

A blonde woman, Terri Wyse, with new laptop box

Andy Chase and Terri Wyse from Woodfield School in Surrey give us a five-minute guide on what they have learnt from adopting an online digital platform and why its use will outlive the pandemic for Special Educational Needs (SEN) provision