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Flexible working

Rediscovering teaching: my experience of returning to the classroom

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Loic Menzies is the former Chief Executive of the Centre for Education and Youth, who has answered the call for teachers to return to the classroom to support schools with staffing pressures. We’re inviting qualified ex-teachers to step in and …

"Real flexible working means recognising that life happens" - thinking flexibly in school

Emma Turner and her children

As many of us work from home during the current coronavirus lockdown, it might be easy to think that this is what constitutes flexible working. But real flexible working is not a reactionary way of planning a working schedule, it is a carefully crafted blend of the demands of work and life.

Flexibility in schools - learning from lockdown

Emma's daughters learning from home

Emma Turner currently works part time as Research and CPD Lead for Discovery Schools Academy Trust MAT in Leicestershire. An advocate for flexible working, she reflects on what the sector can learn from the lockdown experience.

"Say yes when help is offered and do not see this as a failure": returning from maternity leave as a headteacher

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Kate and her son

When headteacher, Kate Jefferson, returned to work after maternity leave she didn’t expect to be leading her school through a pandemic.

Leading by laptop: flexible working is happening in every school right now – what can we learn from this experience?

Headteacher, Sue Plant, has long been a champion of flexible working. But what has she learnt about working and leading flexibly while navigating the COVID-19 outbreak?

Two heads are better than one

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Alison Fitch and Rebecca Stacey posing in Boxgrove Primary School

Alison Fitch and Rebecca Stacey are co-headteachers at Boxgrove Primary School in Surrey. Following the launch of the DfE’s teacher recruitment and retention strategy, which outlined steps to promote flexible working in schools, Alison and Rebbeca explain how they make job-sharing work for them.