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School leadership

A whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing: Part 2

Two mental health leads at the Ormiston Academies Trust (OAT) talk about the central role of leadership and management in supporting and championing efforts to promote mental health and wellbeing, as part of a whole school approach. 

A whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing: Part 1

Two mental health leads talk about how they work alongside the senior leadership team to develop a whole school approach, to supporting mental health and wellbeing at school.

Unlocking learning recovery through professional development

Matt Hood

There are no shortcuts to accelerate learning recovery for eight million young people. Having an expert teacher in every classroom, well trained and continually improving, led effectively from the top is the best way to make sure that every pupil gets a great education. Which is why the National Professional Qualifications represent an exciting opportunity for teachers and leaders.

Leading through a pandemic: International Women’s Day

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: COVID-19 support, Inspiring teachers, School leadership, Teachers' reflections
Kate Jefferson

This year’s International Women’s Day is an opportunity to empower the future generation of young women and girls, despite the challenges faced in this year’s pandemic. Headteacher, Kate Jefferson, shares her experience of leading her school through the pandemic so that no child is left behind.

Leading by laptop: flexible working is happening in every school right now – what can we learn from this experience?

Headteacher, Sue Plant, has long been a champion of flexible working. But what has she learnt about working and leading flexibly while navigating the COVID-19 outbreak?