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Remote education

Embracing technology in school has changed how we teach

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: COVID-19 support, Professional Development, Remote education, Secondary schools

It's easy to say that the effective use of technology in schools should be a priority, but there is no "one size fits all" solution. Hear from an Ed Tech Demonstrator school about how they have embedded technology and developed a digital strategy.

Thinking beyond the pandemic in a Special Educational Needs school

A blonde woman, Terri Wyse, with new laptop box

Andy Chase and Terri Wyse from Woodfield School in Surrey give us a five-minute guide on what they have learnt from adopting an online digital platform and why its use will outlive the pandemic for Special Educational Needs (SEN) provision

“The first time he appeared smiling in a live lesson was wonderful” – supporting the most vulnerable children to learn remotely

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: COVID-19 support, Pupil wellbeing and behaviour, Remote education, SEND
Young boy with headphones working on his laptop

Amy Wood, Principal of Mossbourne Riverside Academy in East London, shares one example of a student who faced every conceivable barrier to remote education and was at serious risk of falling far behind without the support her academy provided.

After a full half-term of teaching remotely, here’s what’s working for us

Distant education, online class meeting. Young boy studying during online lesson at home

After nearly a year of responding to the COVID-19 outbreak and now coming to the end of a full half-term of remote education, we invited teachers to reflect on what works best for them when teaching remotely.

Making the technology work for you: practical advice from an EdTech leader

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: COVID-19 support, Professional Development, Remote education, School funding, STEM
2 laptops and a tablet on a desk showing remote education planning

Ben Eccersley is an EdTech leader at Outwood Academy Shafton in Barnsley. In this blog, he shares his practical advice for teachers using technology, as well as some tips for supporting families to play their part in remote education.

Schools have risen to the challenge, and so have parents

Andrew Truby

Executive headteacher Andrew Truby writes about how teachers and school staff have risen to the challenge of the new national restrictions and shares his top tips for supporting parents who are at home with their children.