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Pupil wellbeing and behaviour

Engaging local families with the Holiday Activities and Food Programme this summer

Children playing

Jan Lefley and Susan Parish are Holiday Activities and Food Programme coordinators who talk us through how and why it’s so important to reach out to local families.

Getting the most out of summer schools

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School children sitting on cushions and studying over books in a library

"This is a great opportunity for our new year 7 students to make friends, meet staff and find their way around the building."

Associate Principal Vicky Pinkney shares how her school will make the most of their exciting summer school plans to support pupils’ transition into secondary school.

Connection, creativity and fun: let’s get ready for our summer school!

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Group of children running outside

I was really excited when I heard about the idea of summer schools, as I knew how much it would support pupils with the transition to secondary school. I hope this opportunity gives us a chance to give them a bit of optimism and excitement for the future!

“I now enjoy school more because of this” – how catch-up programmes are making an impact

Lee Raftery

Lee Raftery and Craig Evason are leading on their school’s education recovery plans. They share how the interventions they’ve introduced have supported the pupils who need it most.

Embracing the ABCs of our behaviour policy

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Tim Sullivan - headteacher of Ashmole Academy

“It will be interesting to find ways in which the schools can take a reciprocal approach to sharing good practice.”
Ashmole Academy headteacher, Tim Sullivan, writes about his school’s involvement in the DfE behaviour hub programme and the six values that underpin their behaviour policy.

Thinking beyond the pandemic in a Special Educational Needs school

A blonde woman, Terri Wyse, with new laptop box

Andy Chase and Terri Wyse from Woodfield School in Surrey give us a five-minute guide on what they have learnt from adopting an online digital platform and why its use will outlive the pandemic for Special Educational Needs (SEN) provision

“The first time he appeared smiling in a live lesson was wonderful” – supporting the most vulnerable children to learn remotely

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Young boy with headphones working on his laptop

Amy Wood, Principal of Mossbourne Riverside Academy in East London, shares one example of a student who faced every conceivable barrier to remote education and was at serious risk of falling far behind without the support her academy provided.

We supported pupil wellbeing by building praise into our remote education offer

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Headteacher Dean Buckley shares how his school is supporting their pupils’ wellbeing while they learn from home through praise, such as PROUD Thursday Online events where students email their work in and receive positive, congratulatory comments and a certificate.